BROseph DeFranco vs “Real”Research – Static Stretching TRUTH Revealed!
Released on January 28, 2016
In this weeks episode, Joe discusses a recent NY Times article that revealed the “new” research on static stretching. Simply put, the “new” research finally supports what Joe has been practicing for over 20 years…
00:06:00 – Joe gives an overview of today’s show/topic
00:11:45 – Joe gives a summary of last week’s NY Times article that revealed the new research on static stretching
00:16:40 – Joe reviews how he personally incorporated static stretching [with great success] into his warm-ups back in 1999 when he was getting started in the personal training industry
00:20:30 – Joe gives examples of the template he uses when designing pre-game warm-ups for his NFL clients and other athletes
00:23:50 – Joe explains his [2-fold] reasoning for dedicating this entire podcast to static stretching
00:26:00 – Joe explains why/how he was “ahead of the research”…even at 11-years-old!
00:27:15 – Joe comes clean on why he chose to keep his mouth shut and be a “closet static stretcher” early in his career
00:30:30 – Joe’s PSA (Public Service Announcement) to Personal Trainers and Strength & Conditioning coaches
00:31:40 – Joe talks about his personal “research study” on the 10-yard sprint and why he’s confident “debating” (aka, talking sh*t) to track & field coaches who are much smarter than him
00:38:15 – Joe’s 5 guidelines for getting the most out of your static stretching [These guidelines will increase power output and decrease your potential of pulling a muscle]
01:08:00 – Joe makes a prediction on the next scientific research that will “catch up” with his BRO Science 🙂
Important Links from the Show
- The Right Way to Stretch Before Exercise [NY Times article]This is the recent NY Times article that prompted this podcast. It basically confirms what Joe D. has known since he was 11 years old :)
- Industrial Strength Show - episode #41The static stretching discussion that Joe referred to this week starts at 35min 25sec into the podcast.
- Joe DeFranco's "Limber 11"This is Joe's wildly popular flexibility routine that went viral this past year.
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-The Industrial Strength Show team
” Who cares what a bunch of nerds in lab coats have to say!” Thanks for the truth. If you are such a geek that you are worried about static stretching before training I would suggest video games as an safe alternative. Another great show thanks!!