My Top 5 POSITIVE Takeaways from 2020…and The People I’d Like to Slap in the Face!
Released on December 31, 2020
0:00 – Show intro | DeFranco Supplement Sale Announcement & Giveaway!
7:35 – Podcast begins…
9:15 – Recap of 2020’s toughest times
16:00 – Joe’s Top 5 list of GOOD THINGS that happened in 2020
50:10 – 4 things that should have taken precedence over mask wearing, hand washing & social distancing
59:10 – The people who deserved to be slapped in 2020!
Important Links from the Show
- DeFranco's Nutritional Supplements*Use discount code "MuscleUpJanuary" to Save 10%! [Sale date: 1/3 - 1/6]
- ep #163 - Programming Bodyweight Isometrics & How To Get Started When You're Untrained & Overweight
- ep #195 - The Biggest Change I'm Making in 2019...
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