Episode # 163

Programming Bodyweight Isometrics & How To Get Started When You’re Untrained & Overweight

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Released on May 10, 2018


Regardless of where he is in the world, The Rock places an emphasis on training and NEVER skips a workout. He knows the importance of CONSISTENCY and the positive impact it has on his physical AND mental health 🙂

1:00 – Show intro – CPPS Football Course update!

11:50 – Joe recaps the rant from last week regarding his problem with “celebrity trainers”

14:20 – Joe shares a conversation he had w/ Triple H about The Rock and others who prioritize the gym in their life

23:00 – Joe teases a future Industrial Strength Show guest

25:50 – Joe begins to address his solution to the problem – How should untrained, overweight people START their “transformation”?

30:20 – Step 1 of the initial transformation process

34:20 – Step 2 of the initial transformation process

36:10 – Step 3 of the initial transformation process

46:30 – Joe reads this week’s Instagram DM

50:35 – Can bodyweight isometrics build muscle?

53:30 – Joe explains the difference between “yielding” & “overcoming” isometrics

57:30 – Guidelines for incorporating bodyweight isometrics into your program

1:02:00 – Joe reveals his favorite bodyweight isometric exercises for each body part!

1:18:30 – Joe concludes the show with an invaluable “summer tip” for improving muscularity


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-The Industrial Strength Show team


  1. Chad,
    Thanks so much for taking the time to share your story. (First of all, you just prevented me from mentally “beating myself up all day” because I’ve been having second thoughts ALL DAY regarding the first 40 minutes of today’s podcast…I kept thinking to myself that everyone is going to be pissed that I wasted 40 minutes talking about drinking water and taking walks Lol. I was really second-guessing my decision regarding today’s show topic.) But your feedback just made it 100% worth it. THANK YOU! And CONGRATS on YOUR success. I’m so glad to hear you’ve gotten back on track and you’re on the road to success. (BTW, your coach sounds like an awesome dude that knows his sh*t and also really CARES…we need more like him in this profession.) Keep kickin’ ass brother…. (and keep us posted on your progress on the Insider.)

  2. Good morning Joe,
    First off, let me say THANK YOU for your episode this morning. I have waited 163 episodes for this one and it was worth every second. I was an athlete in high school and college but as it happens, things got away from me. I found myself 200-250 pounds overweight. When I met my current coach (and now one of my best friends), he started me out EXACTLY the way you talked about today. Start with small changes and work up. It was frustrating at first because I knew the weight I used to lift and I’m an ‘All In” personality. He didn’t try to kill me, instead he taught me that slow and steady wins the race. Changing my mentality on so many levels was the first step in making the physical change. He even went with me for an audition for “The Biggest Loser” even though he had the same convictions about it as you do. He wanted me to do whatever it took in order to live my life instead of die before I turned 40. Like I said…friend. Since he got a strength and conditioning job about a hour and a half away in Atlanta, I still use his advice but I’ve also been a long time member of the Insider so that I can consume as much knowledge as I can to do better. Between the 2 of you, I have managed to get halfway there and have lost over 100 pounds so far. But I want you to know that everything you said today is what worked for me. What you continue to do each week by not only spreading knowledge, but positivity is what is this world needs. So, not only thank you for the episode, but all that you do for the community. Athletes, non athletes, washed up athletes all look up to you. Keep doing what you do man. It’s a journey for all of us, we just take different roads. Thanks again.


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