Episode # 5

You Have To Have A Game Plan! (Guest Dave Diehl)

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Released on April 2, 2015

In this week’s episode, Joe DeFranco’s 13-year client and friend, Dave Diehl, stops by the Industrial Strength studio to talk training, football, and most of all – LIFE! There are enough life lessons in this podcast to last you…well…a lifetime!

Here are some of the things we learned during Joe’s conversation with Dave:

  • Everyone in the NFL has the talent, size and intangibles to succeed; but it’s what’s “between the ears” and a person’s work ethic that separates the good from the GREAT.
  • You won’t ever doubt yourself when you put the necessary work in.
  • Write down your goals because this will force you to make them specific. The more specific the goal, the more likely you are to take the necessary action(s) in order to achieve those goal(s).
  • Set a routine for yourself every single day. Successful people always have a “game plan”.
  • Invest in your body. It will come back to you ten-fold. “You have to be willing to take the necessary steps if you want to have a long career.”
  • Focus on the things YOU can control. Don’t worry about what other people are doing, or things you have no control over.
  • At the height of his NFL success, Dave began to plan ahead for his post-football career. He took various unpaid internships and did everything he could to improve his communication skills. This gave him a resume and a reel BEFORE he retired. Immediately after retiring, he was rewarded with an analyst job with Fox. He is the first lineman to ever go directly from the football field to the broadcasting booth in one year. How did he do this? He “game-planned” for it.
  • People who say, “It must be nice” suck. They fail to do their research regarding the “back story” of successful people.
  • Dave talks about being able to walk away from the game on his terms, and because of his meticulous routine, without any serious injuries or limitations…
  • The one exception would be his “mangled” fingers from 11 years “in the trenches”. The below picture will show you why Dave’s first Superbowl ring was a pinkie ring. (It wasn’t because New Jersey has rubbed off on him Lol)…

Dave Diehl fingers

  • So many athletes struggle mentally after their playing days are over because they don’t “game plan” for it. You need to find another passion by planning ahead. Dave did have a “game plan” and he teaches us a lesson in how to prepare for it.
  • In the last ten minutes, Dave answers some awesome questions from YOU – the #IndustrialStrength listeners!

If you’re an athlete (of any age), listening to this episode is a must in order to grasp what it truly takes to achieve excellence in your career. If you’re a young entrepreneur, Dave will teach you how to manage your 24 hours in a way that ensures you get where you want to go. As Dave says, “Good things will happen if you prepare.”


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-The Industrial Strength Show team

One Comment

  1. 79 episodes down and THIS episode is by far one of my favourites top 2 at least! just the way Dave encourages anyone who has goals in life to have a game plan, no matter what struggles we have on a daily our goals can be reached even if its achieving small daily goals.

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