Solving The Problem With The Supplement Industry

Released on September 15, 2016
In this weeks episode, Dr. Tom rejoins Joe D, and together they talk about the problem with the supplement industry…and what they’re doing to fix it!
1:30 – Why is Dr. Tom pissed at Joe?
2:45 – Dr. Tom shares some inspirational stories from his “Industrial Strength Nation” clients

9:30 – Joe D. makes a BIG announcement!
11:35 – The problem with the supplement industry
14:45 – Joe introduces the new line of DeFranco’s Nutritional Supplements!
17:15 – DeFranco’s “Healthy Bastard” bundle pack revealed!
18:00 – Why all whey proteins were NOT created equal
27:50 – Joe D. reveals the ultimate “Post-Workout Super Shake” recipe
32:00 – How many scoops of protein powder should YOU put in your shake?
33:20 – DeFranco’s “Fully Recovery Bastard” bundle pack revealed!
40:45 – The Guru shares a little-known trick for those who have problems swallowing their vitamins/pills
46:25 – The “Strong Bastard” bundle pack revealed!
53:55 – The many benefits of Pregnenolone & DHEA
66:15 – Where can you find DeFranco’s Nutritional Supplements?
Important Links from the Show
- DeFranco's Nutritional SupplementsJoe DeFranco & Dr. Tom Bilella have joined forces and together they've developed a line of professional-grade supplements for people that are serious about their training and their HEALTH.
- Industrial Strength Show - episode #63Dr. Tom's 1st appearance on the Industrial Strength Show!
- Industrial Strength Show - episode #67Dr. Tom's 2nd appearance on the Industrial Strength Show. [#OperationRebuildJoeD begins!]
- Enhancing Cognitive Function with PregnenoloneLife Extension magazine article.

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-The Industrial Strength Show team
I have listened to this a couple of times and I have your products, love them! In fact just submitted my 2nd round of somethings. I do not live on the East Coast and traveling to meet Dr. Tom would be very costly for me. Do you know what type of Dr to look for or what specific blood work needs to get done that Dr. Tom does? I would like to look more into this but do not know where to start. I feel like I heard you say somewhere that if you call his office he might be able to refer others in other states who would be able to help. I have been meaning to get this posted on the insiders power hour but just have not been able to step away from work or stop training top type it up during the power hour.
Dan – Dr. Tom usually recommends your macros to be spread out pretty evenly throughout the day – but the SPECIFICS of the macro profile that he recommends always varies from individual to individual. As you know, everything he does is based on YOUR SPECIFIC BLOOD WORK. “One size fits nobody” is The Guru’s favorite slogan lol. So I can’t speak for Dr. Tom… BUT, I can tell you that I personally like combining P+F meals & P+C meals – and when I know I’m going to be training late at night – I prefer the P+F meals earlier in the day & the P+C meals later in the day. For example, this past Sunday I had to train at 11pm, so my breakfast & lunch consisted of P+F meals and my dinner & pre-workout snack was P+C meals. I also drank my PWO shake right before bed – the shake consisted of 48g of protein & 54g of carbs. Hope this helps 🙂
Levi – We just added an option (for most of our products) where you can buy an entire case – Basically, you pay for 10 and get 2 FREE. As you know, we are putting out the highest quality products money can buy. Our profit margins suck right now (to be completely honest), so we’re not able to do full-blown “WHOLESALE” pricing…BUT, the “buy 10 get 2 FREE” option definitely leaves you some room to make $. For example, when you buy a case of Whey Protein, you pay about $44 per container, so you can easily make $8-$10 off of each container. (FYI, our protein Retails for $59.95, so you can make more $ if you charge full retail value.) I realize you’re not going to get rich selling our products, but our “buy 10 get 2 FREE” option will enable you to provide your clients with the very best in supplementation, while making a few extra bucks on the side. Hope this helps?!
Hi Joe – I saw on Twitter that you are doing a follow-up Q&A show on the supplements and was hoping you’d be able to answer this question.
I know a couple of the Bilellaism’s are 3 by 3 and 5 by 9 in terms of number of meals by a certain time but was curious as to the best times for those meals and also what macro’s would meals be made up of depending on training time. e.g. if you train in the evenings would meals 1, 2 and 3 be protein and fat and then meals 4 and 5 be protein and carbs or would the macros be more evenly spread throughout the day?
Hey Joe – Love the show brother. I’ve been following you from the my days of being a college strength coach until now in the private sector. In regard to y’alls supplements, will you be wholesaling them at all? I have a gym in Texas now where we train about 375 folks. QUALITY supps are obviously hard to find so we are GEEKED up about yours. We would love to sell them here if you guys wholesale them. Thanks man!