Strength Training

“Behind the Scenes”: Dynamic-Effort Upper Body Workout


When training for POWER, you must attack every rep with intensity & bad intentions! 

I’ve gotten tons of requests for more “behind the scenes” features; so last Thursday, I got some video clips of my NFL/College football crew during a new cycle of training.

Check out the video footage…




1. Dynamic Bench Press w/ mini bands: Worked up to 6×3 (45-60% bar weight)

2. 25lb. Med Ball Chest Passes into Wall: 2×5      

3A. Single Arm Jungle Gym Rows w/ DB: 4×8
3B. Underhand Grip Mini Band Pull-aparts: 4×15

4. Log Clean & Press: 1×5(warm-up), 2 x Max Reps in 30sec.

5. Green Band Triceps Pushdowns: 100 total reps

6. Sledgehammer Tire Chops: 2×8 each side                                                                                               

Simple, yet so damn effective! Drop us a comment below and let us know what YOU like to do to improve your upper body POWER!

Have a STRONG & SAFE weekend!

-Joe D. 


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