Dr. Andrew Lock Talks Knee Health, Posture, Understanding Low Back Pain & More!

Released on August 24, 2023
0:00 – Show/guest intro
7:10 – Joe talks about the upcoming Business of Strength: 2-Day Gym Business Retreat
11:30 – Dr. Andrew Lock joins the show | Podcast begins…
16:50 – Should coaches cue their athletes to “push their knees IN” when squatting/deadlifting [to prepare their bodies for the similar positions that they may encounter on the athletic field?]
24:25 – The first place Andrew examines when someone comes to him with knee pain
25:55 – BREAKING: There’s no such thing as a VMO!
32:15 – Can poor posture be fixed?
35:45 – Why is it so important to train our “posterior” musculature?
41:30 – How did Andrew come up with his “Lock 3 Shoulder Routine” [and why is it so effective?]
46:30 – How to properly cue your clients as they perform the Lock 3
56:05 – How to solve lower back problems
59:55 – The rationale behind “McGill’s Big 3” & “Lock’s Big 5 Low Back Solution”
1:02:00 – Why & when does Andrew teach “neutral spine”?
1:04:40 – Joe shares his “low back pain history” with Andrew for the first time
1:12:15 – Andrew’s initial thoughts (and advice) regarding Joe’s back issues

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