Phil Daru talks MMA Training & How To Get Sh*T Done!
Released on October 18, 2018
0:00 – Show intro / Phil Daru background
5:15 – Joe introduces his audience to “The Forge” [loadable body tempering device]
12:10 – Phil Daru joins the show
15:15 – Phil speaks on fighter assessments and how he approaches the first session with a new client
19:55 – Objective ways to measure fatigue (and prevent overtraining)
24:10 – The #1 physical characteristic that most high-level fighters lack
27:25 – Flexibility vs Mobility – What’s the difference?
31:45 – What does an average training week look like for Phil’s fighters
34:10 – Why doesn’t Phil have his fighters perform the Olympic lifts?
39:50 – How much time does Phil dedicate to conditioning his fighters?
47:20 – Phil reveals his biggest “weight room savages”
52:00 – The secret to keeping high-energy athletes “busy” (without burning them out)
55:40 – A day in the life of Phil Daru
1:03:20 – How does Phil get so much sh*t done each day?!
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