Talkin’ Mobility & Pliability with Dr. Trevor Bachmeyer

Released on August 3, 2017
1:00 – Joe introduces the newest sponsor of the Industrial Strength Show – MVMT Watches

11:15 – Interview w/ Dr. Trevor Bachmeyer begins…
19:40 – Trevor explains his “Injury Prediction System”
37:00 – Trevor gives Joe advice regarding his scar tissue and other post-surgical problems
41:50 – Trevor’s BIG 3 Mobility Drills for EVERYONE
51:00 – The best hip internal rotation stretch (that doesn’t destroy your knee)
55:25 – The controversy of foam rolling your IT Band
58:35 – The most common (and comical) Mobility Myths
62:10 – Can too much hamstring mobility be detrimental to your sprinting speed?
66:00 – Best way to get your mobility gains to stick
68:30 – Trevor shares his daily “pliability” routine
71:25 – The 3 “go to” mobility drills Trevor does ALL DAY (every hour on the hour)
73:15 – Trevor talks about his “Midnight Mobility” routines
Important Links from the Show

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-The Industrial Strength Show team
Can I do the tallus/ green band setting if I have had an open reduction internal fixation procedure on my lower leg? 10 years ago. Also the pads of my feet have become to painful to walk on and my toe he numb and tingly/burning. It was diagnosed as metatarsalgia…but I never got a treatment exercise and suffer everyday. Thanks for your y.t. channel.
Can I do the tallus/ green band setting if I have had an internal rotation/fixation procedure on my lower leg? 10 years ago. Also the pads of my feet have become to painful to walk on and my toe he numb and tingly/burning. It was diagnosed as metatarsalgia…but I never got a treatment exercise and suffer everyday. Thanks for your y.t. channel.
WOW just what I was searching for. Came here by searching for
Trevor is the king… do another Podcast with him please!
Why didn’t you ask him about the Crossfit cheating…?
Why are these not uploading to stitcher anymore? Also, I wish you’d add them to Google Play, would make listening on my Android much easier.
LOVE all of the information, I’ve listened to all episodes.
Wow, what great interview!
Looking foward for the part 2.
A have a question, problably stupid, but should I do mobility work before ou after the workout?