Joe Critiques a Female Listener’s Program & Shares His Thoughts on The Biggest Loser!

Released on January 30, 2020
1:00 – DeFranco Supplement Sale Announcement!
5:35 – Show overview
9:20 – Joe reads an email from a female listener who’s not happy with her [lack of] progress
16:45 – The training variable that most women overlook
18:40 – The biggest mistake most women make in their training…
and the many problems it leads to!
39:50 – Joe shifts his focus to today’s 2nd show topic – The Biggest Loser
42:00 – Joe begins to discuss what he liked, didn’t like, and what he’d change about The Biggest Loser
1:03:50 – The [little-known] reason why Joe moved out of his 2nd facility & into a much larger 5000 sq ft facility
1:09:20 – Joe announces the re-release of STRONG! [Now available as a digital download]

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-The Industrial Strength Show team
Nice response in return of this matter with real
arguments and describing everything on the topic of that.